sobota, 1. september 2007

Lactose intolerance symptoms vs. milk alergy symptoms

Lactose intolerance is your inability to diegest lactose sugar in milk products, and consequence to that are lactose intolerance symptoms like gass, cramps, etc. The reason your body doesnt diagest lactose is it doesnt have enough enzyme lactase which is produced in the lining of the small intestine.
Milk alergy is when the body has an immune response to specific food proteins.
So alergy is an imune response while lactose intolerance is a digestive problem.

Lactose intolerance symptoms

Cure Lactose intolerance in 38 days

sreda, 29. avgust 2007

Get rid of lactose intolerance symptoms for ever

There is a cure for lactose intelorance.Lactagen is a 38 day program and one time solution, afer that your lactose intolerance symptoms will be gone for ever.Delicious dairy products like milk, cheese, and ice cream can finally be enjoyed!
Program uses a proprietary blend of natural minerals and sugars which is dissolved in a water-soluble powder and taken with certain meals during a 38-day period. The specially designed program helps the body recondition itself to digest dairy products without painful and embarrassing side effects.
Is it really working?
According to a double-blinded clinical study conducted by leading researchers, Lactagen was proven to show a statistically significant reduction in lactose intolerant symptoms which include gas, diarrhea, and cramps. Specifically, the results of the 3 month trial showed that 9 out of 10 subjects on the program dramatically reduced their symptoms after completion of the 38-day program. While those on the placebo showed little to no reduction in symptoms.
Lactose intolerance symptoms

Take enzymes to fight lactose intolerance symptoms

Lactose intolerance symptoms are result of inability to digest the sugar in milk, lactose. This inability results from a shortage of the enzyme lactase, which is normally produced in the small intestine.
So another solution is to take enzymes which our body lack. Enzymes will digest sugar in milk and all lactose intolerance symptoms will be gone. Remember you have to take this supplement every day in order to avoid lactose intolerance symptoms.
You can found this products here
Lactose intolerance symptoms

Cut milk products and lactose intolerance symptoms will be gone

One way to get rid of lactose intolerance symptoms is to cut milk products, because some say milk products are not healty anyway, and today cows are eating all but natural food and so milk cant be so good too.
I remember I read somewere Arnold Schwarzenegger said milk is for babies.
More than 70 million Americans and over 250 million people worldwide suffer from lactose intolerance symptoms or other gastro-intestinal disorders.

Ethnic groups with the greatest percentage of lactose intolerance symptoms include:

* Asian Americans - 95%
* African Americans - 90%
* Native Americans - 74%
* Hispanic Americans - 70%
* Caucasians - 25%

Learn what kind of food is good for you
Learn about the food for that kid of diet, you still may eat some products which are prepared in the right way, or learn to prepare them by your self. To look for books click here

Lactose intolerance symptoms

ponedeljek, 20. avgust 2007

What are lactose intolerance smptoms

Common lactose intolerance symptoms are: gas, cramps, and diarrhea. Symptoms tend to occur anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours after eating or drinking foods containing dairy. The severity of symptoms and ability to tolerate lactose varies person to person.
Easyiest way to fund out if you are suffering from lactose intolerance symptoms is to cut milk products souch as milk, cheese, yoghourt....
Lactose intolerance symptoms